Clothing and tools
Clothing regulations
As an event traffic controller, you are required to wear the legally prescribed recognizable clothing during your job. This clothing contributes, through the use of fluorescent colors and retro-reflective material, to the visibility and recognisability of the traffic controller. Naturally, this also increases the safety of the wearer. The organizer provides correct and well-fitting clothing for the job.
The legally prescribed recognizable clothing is a vest or jacket that complies with the regulations, requirements and image features from the Regeling Verkeersregelaars 2009. These regulations indicate that the vest must be provided with a fluorescent yellow top, a fluorescent orange bottom and retro-reflective gray stripes and that an orange triangle should be visible on the back and chest. It has also been determined that the jacket or vest may not be advertised.
The traffic controller wears footwear that matches his role and function. So, for example, no slippers, but sturdy shoes that offer grip and stability.
While travelling with a vehicle (for example, a motorcycle or bicycle), one may not wear traffic controller’s clothing. This is in order not to confuse road users about the authority of the traffic controllers. Only the police, Royal Marechaussee, transport escorts and road inspectors from Rijkswaterstaat are allowed to give directions inside or from a motor vehicle.
Usage of tools
Communication tools such as a walkie-talkie or a telephone. One may also use a flute to give directions. To control traffic in the dark, a flashlight with a red cone is used.
The use of other tools, such as a flag or a stop sign, is not allowed.