Exams for transport escort
To be eligible for an appointment as a transport escort, a theoretical and practical exam must be successfully completed. As of July 1, 2020, and amended version of the Traffic Controllers Regulations will apply to professional traffic controllers and transport supervisors.
Candidates for the practical exam for transport escorts who take the exam after July 1, 2020, should take into account that a new theoretical exam is required from that date. This is administered by the CBR division CCV.
Proofs of theoretical knowledge exams before July 1, 2020, are therefore not valid for applying for an appointment. This does not apply to candidates who have passed the practical exam with unsufficient results in the period before July 1, 2020. They can retake a practical exam based on the “old” theory evidence. The CBR informs SVNL that the theory exam has been successfully completed.
During the practical exam, the examiner and a delegate on behalf of the police determine whether a candicate has the necessary skills to practice the profession safely. An approved vehicle is used for this. The candidate is assessed according to the assessment form. The delegate forwards the results to Stichting Verkeersregelaars Nederland.
During the exam, the delegate can use the Gedelegeerden App. The results can easily be passed on to SVNL via this application. This significantly shortens the turnaround time.
Both exams must be passed within six months to be eligible for an appointment as a transport escort.
Please note: It is not possible to book exams for transport escorts via Aanstellingspas.nl yourself. Please contact examen@verkeersregelaarsexamen.nl.